Full Circle Skills

Currently, I am taking a class on Coursera called “Mindshift.” The concept of the class is to help you break through mental barriers and be able to learn concepts/topics that you never thought possible. The following was the first discussion prompt: “Tell others about unexpected assets you’ve brought into your work from your past, sometimes seemingly unconnected knowledge.” When I read this prompt I immediately thought about my crazy journey of a college education, and how all the seemingly completely different aspects of it have come together in my life. Here is my response:

I feel like this entire concept is me in a nutshell. For as long as I can remember, I have had a variety of interests and skill sets that somehow find a way to compliment each other. From a young age, I was interested in the performing arts namely acting and singing. Thus, when I first entered college, I was going to get a Bachelors Degree of Arts in Theatre. After two years of theatre coursework, I decided that the starving artist life was not one that I wanted to pursue. However, the skills I learned at 18 and 19 are still coming in handy now that I’m 40. As an example, one of the theatre classes we had to take was lighting design. In this course, we had to learn how to rewire broken stage lights. To this day, if necessary, I am confidant that I can rewire a lamp if necessary. During this time frame, I also learned skills for public speaking that I still use today when I give business presentations.

My next college move led me to pursue two degrees in Business Management. By the time I finished the second degree in the field, I knew that I didn’t actually want to be a manager at any local business. So instead of being an unhappy manager, I put those skills to use in my own business while also pursuing a Masters in Teaching. For several years, I worked my own business and taught school. At times the skills from both overlapped especially when talking about time management, emotional management, and organization. While teaching I started being the costumer for our Drama Club which allowed me to connect with technical design and utilize all the sewing skills I picked up when I used to do Medieval Re-enactment.

Now, I have left teaching because the pandemic made me realize that I don’t want to be raising other people’s children more than I am raising my own. Thus, now the teaching skills are being used to homeschool our child, and the business degree skills are being used for two freelance style jobs and our business creating journals and planners.

Side note, those theatre skills learned early on? I may not be a pro, but I have put them to use in Community Theatre over the years! Bonus, I’ve also used to the business skills to serve on Boards for local non-profit groups.

Talk about full circle!

I’d love to know in the comments how previous career, education, and hobbies have given you skills that are an asset to what you currently do!


The Great Kaysby