The Comparison Game

Have you ever heard that no two snowflakes are alike? Have you ever heard that no two people are alike? From what I can find via Google, the first one is true. From my life experiences, the second one is true. So given this information, why is it so easy to get caught up in the “Comparison Game”?

I first started thinking about this in context of LilKsby. I fully understand that certain comments are made innocently, but they got me wondering why is there such a desire to compare him to other babies? From birth it seems like he’s either been compared to me, Mr Kisby, other babies we know, or a fancy pants chart of some sort. What’s wrong with LilKsby just being himself? I love that he’s a unique little guy!

The constant comparisons were really starting to annoy me until tonight while power pumping when I had a light bulb moment. I think the comparisons bother me because I’m constantly comparing myself to those I know or read about on the Internet. Some of my “comparison game” moments include:

  • Breastmilk Production – LilKsby has been formula free since July 30, 2019, but I still make less than most women
  • Our journey to getting LilKsby
  • Housekeeping
  • Decorating for Christmas
  • Balancing a full time job and being a good mom
  • Healthy Habits
  • Weight Loss
  • Activity level in MK
  • Amount of sleep
  • How good of a teacher I am

I’m sure I could keep going, but you get the picture.

As I think of these things, I can’t help but wonder if people ever compare themselves to me. Honestly, I hope they don’t. The truth of the matter is that I’m an awesome person because of everything that is uniquely me. I’m sure not many people can make these claim to fames:

  • I accidentally entered a National Board Game tournament in 2014 and came in 3rd place!
  • I’ve lived in two places with garages, and at both of them I backed out of the them and hit the side of the garage. Same car!
  • I won $11 on scratch offs as a kid and bought a battery operated race car.
  • I’ve been the Volunteer of the Year with a local Junior Women’s Club twice.
  • I can’t draw a straight line, but I’m really good at sewing. I also enjoy painting, scrapbooking, and singing. Expressing myself creatively is very important!
  • I’m right handed on paper, but my left hand is always stronger on strength tests.
  • I can’t remember yesterday half the time, but I can tell you where I was when First Lady Pat Nixon died: the long defunct Radcliff water slide.
  • I can name all 50 states alphabetically as long as I can sing that song from elementary school.
  • I really don’t remember high school graduation other than it being cold and rainy, but I can tell you my kindergarten graduation involved a blow up stegosaurus and singing a song about peanut butter and jelly.
  • On field day in sixth grade, I came in second place in the free throw competition. First and third place were boys.
  • I played my dream role in high school when I got to be Emily Webb in Our Town which became one of my favorite plays in elementary school. Every show I’ve been a part of since then has just been icing on the cake!

So when I think about it, the “comparison game” is ridiculous. I may not be like every other wife, mother, daughter, teacher, or business owner, but that is what makes me wonderful! My unique talents and claims to fame make me the AMAZING person that I am. Sometimes I just need a little reminder of just how amazing I am. Don’t we all?

I hope and pray that you are being true to yourself and thriving with your own uniqueness. Be the best you that you can be!


The Great Kaysby